Ideal for students who have a passion for technology and helping others, a career as a computer support specialist is a viable avenue for ASPIRA City College graduates with an Associate in Specialized Technology (AST) degree. However, there are a few key characteristics these professionals should possess that can only contribute to their success on the job. Here, we explain the main traits that make computer support specialists an integral part of the workforce.

Attention to Detail

Computer support specialists are needed wherever technology is used and may work at an organization, from hospitals to corporate settings, or within a firm that provides tech support to clients. Because problem-solving and the ability to clearly explain technical information are vital components of the job, a successful computer support specialist will have impeccable attention to detail. Even the smallest error can have serious consequences for businesses relying on computer systems, which is why it’s vital for computer support specialists to use extreme care when carrying out tasks such as:

  • Documenting user or client problems and the solutions required
  • Creating, improving, and updating user documentation
  • Analyzing information technology (IT) needs, including workflow, automation, software, and hardware
  • And more.

Ability to Provide Open, Friendly Communication

Because a large part of their job is to explain technological information in ways that are easy for the end-user or client to understand, computer support specialists should also possess strong communication skills and a friendly attitude. With their positions rooted in the importance of customer service, these professionals are expected to always have a professional outlook and charismatic approach, as they are not only representing their employer but also helping clients use their technology simply and successfully. Communication skills are especially valuable when tackling duties like:

  • Visiting clients in-person to address their technological concerns
  • Providing remote support via phone calls or electronic means
  • Walking users through the steps necessary to solve their problems

The Appropriate Tech Skill Set

An AST degree from ASPIRA City College equips students with the technological skill set needed to thrive as a computer support specialist. Aside from troubleshooting and repairing software, hardware, and peripheral equipment, computer support specialists are also expected to conduct diagnostics, install new technologies for users, develop training protocols, and more. Our 62-credit curriculum specifically covers how to accomplish the following:

  • Install, configure, and support applications, as well as internal and external networks
  • Work with networked and free-standing desktop computers
  • Manage database SQL, structured cabling, routers, and routing
  • Monitor and maintain computing device requirements
  • Handle network operations, Linux operating systems, and emerging technologies

Prepare for a Successful Career with ASPIRA City College

By earning your AST degree from ASPIRA City College’s Computer Support Specialist program and honing skills such as the ones discussed above, you can prime yourself for launching a new career that not only utilizes your passions for technology and customer service but also provides a more stable future for you and your family. For more information, schedule a visit virtually or at our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania campus, or contact us today.